jade0w0 (Jade0w0)
Welcome fans,
I am an artist, animator, musician, and illustrator. My hobbies are playing instruments, singing, drawing, swimming, watching anime, cosplay, and video games. My goal in life is to be a comic writer and artist. I am a huge fan of almost all genre of music. Please enjoy! (^o^ )/
More information about jade0w0
Welcome fans,I am an artist, animator, musician, and illustrator. My hobbies are playing instruments, singing, drawing, swimming, watching anime, cosplay, and video games. My goal in life is to be a comic writer and artist. I am a huge fan of almost all genre of music. Please enjoy! (^o^ )/
Description of jade0w0
Welcome fans,
I am an artist, animator, musician, and illustrator. My hobbies are playing instruments, singing, drawing, swimming, watching anime, cosplay, and video games. My goal in life is to be a comic writer and artist. I am a huge fan of almost all genre of music. Please enjoy! (^o^ )/
I am an artist, animator, musician, and illustrator. My hobbies are playing instruments, singing, drawing, swimming, watching anime, cosplay, and video games. My goal in life is to be a comic writer and artist. I am a huge fan of almost all genre of music. Please enjoy! (^o^ )/
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