litoffyou (Khloe Lotus)
Im shy at first but I'm the girl that will bring you to your knees. I look innocent but really im a freak. You can treat me gentle but I wanna play rough
I struggle to survive but I keep positive through out it all..
Im a beautiful disaster,
More information about litoffyou
Im shy at first but I'm the girl that will bring you to your knees. I look innocent but really im a freak. You can treat me gentle but I wanna play roughI struggle to survive but I keep positive through out it all..
Im a beautiful disaster,
Description of litoffyou
Im shy at first but I'm the girl that will bring you to your knees. I look innocent but really im a freak. You can treat me gentle but I wanna play rough
I struggle to survive but I keep positive through out it all..
Im a beautiful disaster,
I struggle to survive but I keep positive through out it all..
Im a beautiful disaster,
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