eatenbyinsects666 (Eaten By Insects)
The truly submissive woman doesn't hide. This is who I am, I say.. Take me. It's not only my body which I make available.. I invite total intimacy. In doing so I inevitably make myself vulnerable. Letting you reach right inside of me.. Into the quivering core of my being, I run the risk of being harmed. But trust enough to run the risk.
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The truly submissive woman doesn't hide. This is who I am, I say.. Take me. It's not only my body which I make available.. I invite total intimacy. In doing so I inevitably make myself vulnerable. Letting you reach right inside of me.. Into the quivering core of my being, I run the risk of being harmed. But trust enough to run the risk.Description of eatenbyinsects666
The truly submissive woman doesn't hide. This is who I am, I say.. Take me. It's not only my body which I make available.. I invite total intimacy. In doing so I inevitably make myself vulnerable. Letting you reach right inside of me.. Into the quivering core of my being, I run the risk of being harmed. But trust enough to run the risk.
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