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foto_roger (Foto Roger)

Photography as a passion.

The nature is a beautiful place where nice pictures can be created.

It‘s a pleasure to work with pretty girls and shoot them at the style portrait up to nude art.

All pictures are taken by me and the model and I have the copy right.

Foto Roger

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More information about foto_roger

Photography as a passion.

The nature is a beautiful place where nice pictures can be created.

It‘s a pleasure to work with pretty girls and shoot them at the style portrait up to nude art.

All pictures are taken by me and the model and I have the copy right.
Description of foto_roger
Photography as a passion.

The nature is a beautiful place where nice pictures can be created.

It‘s a pleasure to work with pretty girls and shoot them at the style portrait up to nude art.

All pictures are taken by me and the model and I have the copy right.
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