donnabartkus26 (Donna bartkus)
Hey! The name is Donna, I am a 32 year old mom of four. Im not perfect by all means even tho I’m told otherwise. But I have my imperfections . Some that make me super self conscious. I’ve been working on the aftermath of four kiddos. Hoping this will shed light and I can see if I’m wrong with myself. Enough about that but I am very outgoing I have done some wild things from fiur somes. Sending pictures randomly . Three somes girl in girl anything in between. Im fixed haha and I love to you know what I mean 😂. The bigger the better they always say haha. Well check me out let me know what you think. Maybe we can add to this page together :)
More information about donnabartkus26
Hey! The name is Donna, I am a 32 year old mom of four. Im not perfect by all means even tho I’m told otherwise. But I have my imperfections . Some that make me super self conscious. I’ve been working on the aftermath of four kiddos. Hoping this will shed light and I can see if I’m wrong with myself. Enough about that but I am very outgoing I have done some wild things from fiur somes. Sending pictures randomly . Three somes girl in girl anything in between. Im fixed haha and I love to you know what I mean 😂. The bigger the better they always say haha. Well check me out let me know what you think. Maybe we can add to this page together :)Description of donnabartkus26
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