hiyafrompuertorico (hiyafrompuertorico)
This OnlyFans page will be updated with personal photos and videos of myself.
[Location: San Juan, PR | I am from Kansas. | Thirty-two | 5'6" | 135 pounds |
Puerto Rican | Uncut | 6.75-7 inches (I've never actually measured.) | Feet size: 8.5]
I am HIV- as of April, 2022 and on PrEP. A geek with social anxiety and a little OCD.
I can't dance (without rum/whiskey). I people-watch.
Making the attempt to not eat meat. I am a Celiac. No gluten, rye, barley for me!
I'm into Space, technology, Human Rights, documentaries, anime, foreign films, atmospheric music, outdoor exploring & bikes, current news such as AlJazeera, travel and culture.
I'm a hardcore voyeur of natural and man-made scenic beauty minimalist who prefers company with another who realizes ethical consumption. I'm open-minded and free-thinking.
More information about hiyafrompuertorico
This OnlyFans page will be updated with personal photos and videos of myself.[Location: San Juan, PR | I am from Kansas. | Thirty-two | 5'6" | 135 pounds |
Puerto Rican | Uncut | 6.75-7 inches (I've never actually measured.) | Feet size: 8.5]
I am HIV- as of April, 2022 and on PrEP. A geek with social anxiety and a little OCD.
I can't dance (without rum/whiskey). I people-watch.
Making the attempt to not eat meat. I am a Celiac. No gluten, rye, barley for me!
I'm into Space, technology, Human Rights, documentaries, anime, foreign films, atmospheric music, outdoor exploring & bikes, current news such as AlJazeera, travel and culture.
I'm a hardcore voyeur of natural and man-made scenic beauty minimalist who prefers company with another who realizes ethical consumption. I'm open-minded and free-thinking.
Description of hiyafrompuertorico
[Location: San Juan, PR | I am from Kansas. | Thirty-two | 5'6" | 135 pounds |
Puerto Rican | Uncut | 6.75-7 inches (I've never actually measured.) | Feet size: 8.5]
I am HIV- as of April, 2022 and on PrEP. A geek with social anxiety and a little OCD.
I can't dance (without rum/whiskey). I people-watch.
Making the attempt to not eat meat. I am a Celiac. No gluten, rye, barley for me!
I'm into Space, technology, Human Rights, documentaries, anime, foreign films, atmospheric music, outdoor exploring & bikes, current news such as AlJazeera, travel and culture.
I'm a hardcore voyeur of natural and man-made scenic beauty minimalist who prefers company with another who realizes ethical consumption. I'm open-minded and free-thinking.
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