iam_ana.sgh (Ana Clara)
I am a resident of Brasília in Brazil, I was born in Angra dos Reis - Rio de Janeiro, I am 20 years old, I go to pharmacy school, I like to read, write and weed, I am very talkative and spontaneous... 😅
More information about iam_ana.sgh
I am a resident of Brasília in Brazil, I was born in Angra dos Reis - Rio de Janeiro, I am 20 years old, I go to pharmacy school, I like to read, write and weed, I am very talkative and spontaneous... 😅Description of iam_ana.sgh
I am a resident of Brasília in Brazil, I was born in Angra dos Reis - Rio de Janeiro, I am 20 years old, I go to pharmacy school, I like to read, write and weed, I am very talkative and spontaneous... 😅
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