rebelfairfree (Rebel Rouser)
Just a pretty gal that likes to work hard, play hard, love hard. Hiking, biking, camping, shooting, cooking, baking, quilting, working out, reading, napping, and being willing to learn and try new things are the ways I relax and have fun. I love people and "my people" have my heart completely!
More information about rebelfairfree
Just a pretty gal that likes to work hard, play hard, love hard. Hiking, biking, camping, shooting, cooking, baking, quilting, working out, reading, napping, and being willing to learn and try new things are the ways I relax and have fun. I love people and "my people" have my heart completely!Description of rebelfairfree
Just a pretty gal that likes to work hard, play hard, love hard. Hiking, biking, camping, shooting, cooking, baking, quilting, working out, reading, napping, and being willing to learn and try new things are the ways I relax and have fun. I love people and "my people" have my heart completely!
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